1963 : Outmoded Bars, (poems), Jean Grassin, Paris.
My first and last poems ever published
1970 : Ave Lucifer , Lucifer on the Devil in the West, Calmann Lévy (Pocketbook "J'ai Lu", Spanish publication), Jacket by Topor.

1971 : Reports in the Magazine Littéraire (Literary Review), Lui and the Express on Buckminster Fuller, Ronald Laing, Fernando Arrabal, Roland Topor, Pierre Schaeffer, Stéphane Lupasco, Pugwash, le diable en Occident, the Devil in the West, the Gotha, Artificial Intelligence , Science-Fiction
(from left to right., the caricaturist Siné, Vassili Vassilikos author of "Z" ,the playwright Fernando Arrabal).
1974 : The Pink Squad of Madame Claude , Stock-Julliard (France-Loisir, Livre de Poche, Italian publication).
Written with Anne Florentin. 
1976 : The Right of Asylum(s) in the Soviet Union ,
Julliard (+ 1 Italian version), Preface by d'Eugène Ionesco, Jacket by Tim.
One of the first Journalists of the magazine VSD.
1978 : Editor-in-chief of the multivolumes
Encyclopedia on West Indies and Guyana, « Arawak » (Tchou, 1978).
Assistant : Katleen Wallerand 
1981 : The Big Electronic Epoch (Van Nostrand Reinhold)
(published in France, USA, Great-Britain, Germany)
1983 : Biotechnology : Strategies for Life (MIT Press)
(published in France, USA, Great-Britain, Japan, Netherlands), written with the participation of David Fishlock
(Financial Times) 
Articles in Usine nouvelle on Electronic and on Biotechnologies. In Figaro Magazine on biotechnologies.
1985 : Direction and iconography of a book on The Science of Mind (MIT Press) by Kenneth Klivington
1990 : Jesuits or the Glory of God (co-edition Antébi-Stock Hachette), written with François Lebrun ,on the right on the photo
Articles in Notre Histoire on Jesuits and Edmond de Rothschild and Ottoman Palestine.
1996 : L'Homme du Sérail, The Little Jewish Pasha of Jerusalem (Crawford Publishing, Adelaide, Australia), NiiL.
1999 : Les Missionnaires Juifs de la France (1860-1939), Calmann-Lévy
2001 : Salomé (Zulma).
2002 : Inlets of the Dictionnaire Historique de la Langue Française (Robert)
2003: Edmond de Rothschild., The Man wo redeemed the Holy Land », (Crawford Publishing Cy, Adelaïde, Australia) ( Rocher)
With Baronness Nadine
1981 : Foundation with the director of Copexen of Hologramme Publishing, specializing in illustrated books. Head of the collection "Chemins" at the origin of an international co-publication with American, English, German, Dutch and Japanese publishers which was about the popularization of science and techniques, with almost 400 colour illustrations. Direction of the artwork. Author of two of the books.
In 1987, worked with historian Jacques Le Goff ona collection "L'Imaginaire de l'Europe" (« European Myths and Values ») with collaborators like d'Umberto Eco, Helève Ahrweiler, David Landes, Leszek Kolakowski and other renowned authors and advisors. The project was interrupted but is still available today…
Other Books :
Wrote the introduction to Dernier Matin du monde « The Last morning of the world »),
photos by Alain Chennevières on vanishing tribes.
Asked Vladimir Volkoff to write the preface of Légionnaires, a book with photos by J.E.Atwood.
1989 : Foundation of Antébi Publishing company where is published, in co-edition with Stock, the book by E.A. and historian François Lebrun on Jesuits, La Gloire de Dieu (1990). Publication, then, in co-edition with Ramsay, Le Bébé avant sa naissance (« Baby Before Birth »), written by Dr Jean-Pierre Kutner showing wonderful ultrasound colours scans of the baby. Publication of Les Habits du Pouvoir : la Justice (1992), written being the lawyer Jacques Boedels with a preface of Jean-Denis Bredin. The book won the Law Courts Literary Award.
Victim of taxes, Antéby Publishing cy stopped business in 1994.