1954-1965 : Studied at the Lycée Molière, in Paris, France.
1961 : Baccalauréat A’ : High School Diploma (both Humanities and Sciences)
1961-1964 : Hypokhâgne, khâgne
1964 : Bachelor’s Degree in both French Literature and Classics
1965 : Bachelor’s Degrees in Art History and the History of Theater
1964-1966 : Theater’s training course at the « Atelier Charles Dullin », with actors as teachers, like Charras, Darras…
1967: Diploma of German from the Goethe Institut (Grafrath)
1996 Diploma from the “School of Advanced Studies” (EPHE) on Albert Antébi (1873-1919) or Religion of France in Ottoman Palestine, under the direction of Professor Gérard Nahon, with a jury composed of Henry Laurens (“School for Oriental Studies” Inalco), Jacques Le Goff and Jean Baubérot (President of EPHE and specialist on Protestantism and Secularization). Reports on the Memorandum

Left. on Right. : Henry Laurens (Inalco/Collège de France),
B.Philippe, Jean Baubérot (EPHE), François Georgeon
(EHESS), Gérard Nahon (EPHE). Missing David Landes (Harvard).

For the first time, Gypsies are singing at the Sorbonne.

1999 : PhD in History of Religious Sciences, Ideologies and Systems from the Sorbonne (EPHE, salle Marcel Mauss). Doctorate on Edmond de Rothschild (1845-1934), under the direction of Gerard Nahon. The jury (Henry Laurens of the Paris Oriental Institute “Inalco,” David Landes of Harvard University, François Georgeon of the School of Historical and Social Sciences “EHESS,” and the President of EPHE, Jean Bauberot) awarded me the highest honours. Price Zadoc Kahn 2000. Was published in France under the title Edmond de Rothschild.
L’homme qui racheta la Terre Sainte ( Rocher), in January 2003.
Foreign Languages : fluent English and German, Italian (for reading), Spanish (for reading), Ancient Greek and Latin.
1998-1999 : collaboration with Claude Lepage director-founder of the Laboratories of New Technologies at the EPHE, la Sorbonne, to the graphical conception of the Web site of EPHE (“School of Advanced Studies”). collabore avec Claude Lepage directeur-fondateur du Laboratoire des Technologies Nouvelles à l’Ecole Pratique
des Hautes Etudes, 
November 2001, conception and technical achievement of a Web site for Professor Gerard Nahon, “The Uninterrupted Seminar” : www.antebiel.com/nahon.

February 1998 : Conference on « The Life and work of Edmond de Rothschild (1845-1934), Prince in Palestine », at the Franco-German Society, invited by Mr.Hartmann.
1998 : « Baron Edmond de Rothschild (1845-1934) and the first settlements in Palestine : from HaNadiv (The Benefactor) to HaNassi (The Prince)”, for the 6th Congress of European Association for Jewish Studies in Toledo 1998.
2 001-2003 : Part of a Group of Researchers on the theme How to use the Past, brought together every six months under the direction and on the initiative of Jean-Marc Chouraqui, director of I.E.C.J. (Inter-Universities Institute of Jewish Studies and Culture), at Aix-Marseille University, South of France.
June 13-15, 2002 : « The End of the influence of France in Ottoman Palestine (1869-1914) and its consequences», forum on la France et le Levant, June13 to 15, 2 002, Lyon 3-Lyon 2 University, Moslem-Christian Research Institute in Beyrouth.
Novembre-décembre 2002 : Conferences at the Saint-Joseph University of Beyrouth, invited by Father Louis Boisset, s.j., on « St François Xavier : at risk of finding yourself », and on how to use multimedia for an inter-religious dialogue. Project of a DVD on “Mediterranea : Myth or Memory ? »
In Beyrouth, Father Olivier Borg-Olivier, s.j., talking with the Maronite Archibishop.

With Anne de Boismilon (left.), who was at the time reporter at ABC, and Sieglinde Hartmann (on the right.), Professor and Organizer of the conference.
- « Baron Edmond de Rothschild (1845-1934) and the first
settlements in Palestine : from HaNadiv (The Benefactor)
to HaNassi (The Prince) »( in Judith Targarona
Borras & Angel Saenz-Badillos (éds),Jewish Studies at the
Turn of the Twentieth Century. Proceedings of the 6th Congress of
European Association for Jewish Studies in Toledo 1998 . vol.
2: Judaism from the Renaissance to Modern Time, Brill, Leiden, Boston,
Köln, 1999, pp 251-256.)
- « Directors of the Alliance israélite universelle (AIU) et the Young-Turk Revolution (1908-1913) in the Ottoman Empire » (Gözlem Gazetecilik, Istanbul, to be published in a book on « Ottoman Turkish Jewry »)
- « The meeting between Charles Netter (1826-1882) and Edmond de Rothschild (1845-1934) in 1881 the real beginning of the Jewish settlements in Palestine » (conference at the Etudes Juives (Jewish Studies), February 26, 2001)
- "Founding acts or founding texts ? The strategy of Edmond de Rothschild (1845-1934), founder of the Jewish settlements in Palestine (1882-1914) and of the PICA (1925)." (conference at the Maison de la Méditerranée, Aix-en-Provence, June 2002)
- « The End of the influence of France in Ottoman Palestine (1869-1914) and its consequences», forum on la France et le Levant, June13 to 15, 2 002, Lyon 3-Lyon 2 University, Moslem-Christian Research Institute in Beyrouth.
- Accounts of the local representatives of Alliance israélite universelle, presentation » in Ailleurs, hier, autrement : connaissance et reconnaissance du génocide des Arméniens, CDJC, 2003, pp. 88-111.

- "Sylvain Lévi : the dream of a Judaism with no temple, no priest, no book » (conference for the forum on Stakes of History, Games on Memory (Enjeux d'histoire, jeux de mémoire), organised by the Inter-Universities Institute of Jewish Studies and Culture, December 8, 9 and 10, 2 003).