1970 : Organised, at the music-hall Olympia, in Paris, the cocktail party for the publication of Ave Lucifer, with around twenty fortune-tellers.
1972 : Public Relations, at Calmann-Lévy Publishing Cy.
Directed a film for a Publicist Agency (« Publicis »), on the first International Conference on Pollution, at Stockholm : sponsored by “Les Banques Populaires”.
1973 : Public Relations for Claude Planson author of a book on Voodoo.
1985 : Cocktail party at the Ministry of Research and Industry, in Paris, for the publication of the book on Biotechnologies. Obtained a reception room inside the Ministry. The very Parisian columnist Philippe Bouvard wrote an article on the event, which appeared on the front page of France-Soir :
« The chocolate’s cake of the year 2000 will be flavoursome, thanks to the chemical firm Rhône-Poulenc : next 21st of October, a cocktail party, at the Ministry of Mr. Hubert Curien (Minister of Research and Industry), given for the publication of Le Génie de la Vie by Elizabeth Antébi, will offer myco-proteines cooked by Chef Jean-Paul Bonin, from the legendary restaurant Crillon, and a “xanthane” mocha, done with a substance that genetic engineering is extracting from mushrooms, for furnishing gel and emulsifier to the ham and ice-cream industry. Elizabeth Antébi has visited the secret laboratories of the planet to give us a glimpse of the food of tomorrow, that will certainly surprised the gourmets of today. She says :
The “nice nosh” of tomorrow is created in laboratories by introducing into the products a foreign gene. Already, at Bordeaux, you can see square peaches, easy to be put in a box, and huge tomatoes, with more juice. In twenty years from now, the gustative revolution will be accomplished » Philippe Bouvard, France-Soir, October 2, 1985.
In Tonus, Dr. Ch. Bonnes-Magdeleinat added : « It was, indeed, a very original ‘bio-buffet’!»
Well-known firms provided the Buffet with food and drink: Moët et Chandon (Champagne), Mrs Corinne Mentzelopoulos-Petit (Bordeaux Wine Château-Margaux « Pavillon Rouge 1980 »), Suntory and Daimaru (sake), Pernod-Ricard (alcohols, juices, Orangina, fennel in test tube), Kronenbourg and Canterbrau (beer) Anthès (Camembert and Roquefort), Bel (fermented cheeses), Union Laitière Normande (yoghourts), Ecole Nationale d’Industrie Laitière de Mamirolles (butter and cheese), Les Pècheries des Lilas (fish), La Culture biologique-Moulin de l’Abbaye, Conche (vegetables), La Dorina (fruits and vegetables), Colom (fruits), Lionel Poilâne (bread), Ganachaud (bread), Pain Jacquet with its breadmaking process « Little French Bakery », Rhône-Poulenc (moka with “xanthane”), Delbard (roses in test tube), CNRS (wheat in test tube).
Former Minister, Pierre Aigrain, consultant at Thomson, who bought thousands of copies of the previous book that I had written in the same collection, La Grande Epopée de lElectronique,The Electronic Epoch was also present.

In the photo, left, Minister Hubert Curien, is presenting the book.
In the photo on the right, I’m between the former and the current Ministers,
Pierre Aigrain (left) and Hubert Curien (right)
And the four most powerful corporate directors, of the time, in the biological field, among them, the President of Roussel-Uclaf and … Le Floch-Prigent, President of Rhône-Poulenc (photo on the right).
The Buffet was totally “biotechnological”, with Champagne and sake. Jacquet provided a baker ‘s oven to cook the bread, and the restaurant Crillon sent somebody to do the decoration and to serve people. There also, was the President of Transgene, Mr. Eisenmann, whom I would meet again … when he became President of the jury of the Zadoc Kahn Prize, which I won for my thesis on Edmond de Rothschild. And Jacques Bonomo, International reporter for Figaro-Magazine, and Christian La Mazière, author of the « helmeted Dreamer », Le Rêveur Casqué - the book he wrote on his adventure during the war, in the “Division Charlemagne”!
La Mazière and Bonomo : 
Also : Jack Gee, English journalist and Henri Déplantes,
inventor of Mirage fighter plane , writer and journalist Georges Walter,and scientific consultant of First Minister Laurent Fabius, François Gros who quotes me in this book on Biotechnology.
1987 : Cocktail party at the Hôtel Crillon for the publication of a book by Henri Viard on the best restaurants in Paris :
, with Jean-Paul Aron 
1990 : Press party for the publication of the book on Jesuits in Paris, rue de Sèvres. I found a Bordeaux Wine boasting « Château les Jésuites », that my co-author, François Lebrun, and the director of Stock publishing Cay, Alain Carrière, are showing to the camera :

and Père Calvez, s.j., on the left with F. Lebrun, on the right with Jacques le Goff. 
Journalist Jean Lacouture, 
Talking with père Calvez 
Before posing with Jacques Le Goff and the authers :

1987 : Cocktail for the publication of a book on Scotland, for which I obtained the sponsorship of producers of Scottish whisky.
Consultant in communication/Business Advertising/Business Press
1968 : Worked with Maurice Dalinval at « Publicis », for the magazine for Opticians, Krys.
1978-86 : Advertising articles and Annual reports, for Copexen.
- Conception, with Art designer Tillmann Eichhorn from the magazine Siemenscope for Siemens France.
- American firm Avnet, in the States, asked me to direct an 8-page account on the history of electronic composers
- Conferences in Brussel, Toulouse, Paris, Geneva, after the publication of The Electronic Epoch (Van Nostrand Reinhold) and Biotechnology : Strategies for life (MIT Press), and the direction of the book on The Science of Mind (MIT Press), on a comparison of the ways in which enterprise is conceived in Europe, in Japan, in the States
1993 : Wrote articles for the Coolidge News Letter, of GE Medical Systems Europe.
