Could it not be that the virtual is the best tool to go from the visible to the invisible, from the hidden to the obvious ?


1) The visible heritage as a threshold for the exploration of the “invisible heritage”.

For example :

2) An invisible geography and virtual routes. For example Edmond de Rothschild’s path:

2) Contradictory opinions and explanations : Two historians are, for example, discussing King Saint Louis’ action :

On roll-over, one can listen to each of the two contrasting opinions.

Jacques Le Goff explains. Then Gérard Nahon answers. At the end, both give their conclusions.

4) One can also visit an image :

One can click on each of the monuments and explore Chagall’s world.

Michel Garel, head curator of the French Bibliothèque Nationale (National Library), guides us through a manuscript:

or we visit a place of memories :

> Cd-rom, Jesuits Pedagogy
> DVD-rom The Mediterrean Sea:Myth or Memory?
The Invisible Heritage

> Multimedia Introduction

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